The Middle Manager

Surviving & Thriving as a Leader

Tag Archives: communication

So You Want to be a Speaker – Pt. 2

So last time we went over a few things that will aid you in overcoming the fear of speaking to an audience.  This post will add to that previous blog by adding a few other things that might help you prepare. As noted, practice is important.  But before you practice you need to lay out […]


Communicating about outages and changes is an important part of what we do every day. But can we do a better job about how we communicate these events? When a system or application goes down, contacting the customer and telling them the system or application is down is redundant. They probably already know that there’s […]

Non-Verbal Communication

Have you ever walked into an important meeting and ‘felt’ the tension in the air? To some degree it could be your own nervousness, but it is a fact that we pick up on non-verbal cues when dealing with other people.  Studies done since the 1960’s have indicated that non-verbal communication makes up between 65-90% […]

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