The Middle Manager

Surviving & Thriving as a Leader

Monthly Archives: September 2012

Getting to the Bottom of a Problem

Everyone is occasionally faced with a perplexing problem.  This was really brought home for me recently when I was trying to fix my daughter’s wheelchair.  We have had problems off and on with one of the brakes on her chair for years.  We’ve had specialists look at it and they’d mess about with it and […]

You’re Hired!

I’m often asked what I find more valuable – a certification or experience? Not that long ago, training companies were doing a hard sell on the value of certifications.  I recall interviewing a young woman who was asking for $70,000 in salary because she happened to have passed her Microsoft certification and the training company […]


In the overall scheme of things, my business and work life has been fairly uneventful.  Its had its ups and downs, of course, and there have been times in my career when I was unhappy, but all in all I shouldn’t complain. How do I know that?  Well, I’ve spent the last 18 months working […]

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