The Middle Manager

Surviving & Thriving as a Leader

Monthly Archives: August 2019

One Small . . . Drive?

My last post focused on the Apollo astronaut’s moon suits.  Those suits served well, and allowed them to spend time on the lunar surface.  From the very beginning, however, there was a desire to not just walk around on the moon, but have a vehicle that could be used to expand the exploration. Werner Von […]

An Odd Partnership

As the United States worked tirelessly towards the goal of putting a man on the moon, there was one area that was a particular struggle.  NASA was used to working with hardware – big, powerful rocket engines, developing new technology to generate power, to keep the astronauts alive, and build piping, switching, and electrical components […]

Lessons From America’s Space Program

It’s been 50 years since Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins pioneered the way to the moon.  That first moon landing was the capping achievement of a nearly decade-long mission, kicked off by a simple statement in a speech by John F. Kennedy, given to Congress on May 25, 1961:  “I believe that this nation should commit […]

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