The Middle Manager

Surviving & Thriving as a Leader

Category Archives: Communication

Public Speaking: Body Language, Pt. 1

So, we spent the last three blogs discussing how to use your voice when speaking to an audience.  The next couple will focus on body language. How you carry yourself is not something you can really learn from a book, nor should you have to – you’ve spent your whole life using body language and facial […]

Public Speaking: Using Your Voice, Pt. 3

We’re down to the final post discussing using your voice.  Today we’ll be touching on a couple things that you should work on to hold the interest of your audience. While I can speak on a variety of topics, even those I may have to research because I don’t have a lot of direct experience, […]

Public Speaking: Using Your Voice, Pt. 2

If you pick up a book – any book – and open it to a random spot and read a random paragraph, what are the odds of your listeners understanding what the book is about? When speaking, you have to understand how the parts relate to the whole, with your main points firmly in mind.  […]

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