The Middle Manager

Surviving & Thriving as a Leader

Tag Archives: communication

Let’s All Calm Down!

Over the years I have often been faced with calls or emails from other managers who have taken offense at something I or my staff had done or said.  In almost every case, when I reviewed the chain of communication, I truly could not see a cause reason for the person to be angry.  Generally, […]

Putting it on the screen

I’ve been using presentation software for about as long as that kind of software has existed.  Back in the DOS days, there was Harvard Graphics.  It was crude compared to what we have today, and there were plenty of hardware limitations as well.  With the advent of Windows, I moved to Lotus Freelance, and then […]

It’s That Time of Year Again . . .

I’ve been on one side or the other of a performance evaluation at a large company for the last 30 years.  I’ve had good experiences and bad, but in the most part they’ve been nothing special except as a vehicle for announcing promotions, salary increases, or bonus awards.  But that’s OK.  I believe that an […]

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